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Painting in Winter

Just because it’s winter it doesn’t mean that you can’t paint exterior wood. It can be the best opportunity to paint garden timber whilst plants are dormant and cut back, making access to fences, trellises, arbours and planters a lot easier.

You often get some lovely sunny dry spells in winter with a soft breeze blowing – the perfect conditions for painting outside and enjoying the winter sun!

We’ve put together some simple tips and advice for you to follow to make painting in winter easy. The key is in the planning so follow this link for advice and an easy checklist.

Or just paint your interior wood as you can use Thorndown Wood Paint on any wood, anywhere – skirting boards, doors, window frames, furniture and kitchen cupboards. There’s plenty of inspiration and advice in our Projects section to help you along with painting projects.

For Peelable Glass Paint the winter is not the best time to paint externally as drying/curing time is longer than the wood paint. However, I did paint some Christmas stencil decorations on the external glass of a french door when it had just started to snow and three years later, they were still there. They looked too pretty to remove but finally I did, providing a fresh blank canvas for a new project.

There are plenty of interior painting and arts & crafts projects that you can carry out with Peelable Glass Paint and our Projects section has lots of ideas for you.

Happy painting!

